Green Rio 2024 brings together international representatives in G20 year and includes blue economy |
The 12th edition of Green Rio/Green Latin America has established itself as one of the main events on the international bioeconomy scene, bringing together 4,470 registrants and 91 exhibitors from various sectors at Marina da Glória, in Rio de Janeiro, between October 31 and November 2. The 2024 edition was an official Rio Capital initiative of the G20. The event once again featured the Brazil-Germany Workshop and held the first edition of the Blue Economy Rio Summit.
Sponsorships and Support:
• SEAS (Rio de Janeiro State Department of the Environment) and Blue Economy Rio Summit: Launched in partnership with SEAS, the Blue Economy Rio Summit focused on the theme of the blue economy and sanitation. According to an OECD study on the global blue bioeconomy, which had two representatives present at Green Rio, this market could reach US$ 3 trillion by 2030. SEAS had an interactive stand, with workshops and lectures.
• Banco do Brasil presented its activities in bioeconomy and agriculture, highlighting its strategy, investments, projects and socio-environmental activities.
• The Special Secretariat for Metropolitan Integration (SEIM) of the city of Rio de Janeiro supported the Metropolitan Space: an area with stands for sustainable solutions focused on urban development (e.g. IBAM, Embrapa, Senai Cetiqt, third sector and startups).
• Águas do Rio highlighted its investments in water supply and sanitation in 27 cities in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
• SEBRAE participated with the states of Rio de Janeiro and Amazonas. RJ brought entrepreneurs who work on the theme of small businesses in the sea, sharing the auditorium with the CSS (Sebrae Center for Sustainability) of MT. Sebrae AM with companies mainly in areas of the bioeconomy related to food and cosmetics.
• German Consulate supported through the Brazil Germany Workshop (see next item)
• ApexBrasil participated in the CEAL (Business Council for Latin America) panel on international business.
• AEDIN brought together companies that are part of the industrial symbiosis program, in partnership with Denmark and the Government of the State of RJ. Associates were present, such as Cladtek, Ternium, Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores and projects from Casa da Moeda.
• SONDA presented technological solutions in its stand to face climate and environmental challenges for decarbonization and circular economy. IBM participated as a partner.
• FINEP was present with experts in different areas of the green economy and presented notices and initiatives.
• Ambipar carried out the carbon neutralization of Green Rio through credits certified by Verra.
The event had the following institutional partnerships: FIRJAN (participation of the president at the opening), DWIH (German Center for Science and Innovation), AMCHAM, Naval Cluster, ACRJ and Estácio.

Total of 4,470 visitors, a 10% increase in the number of visitors;
91 exhibitors;
+ 170 lectures in seven content spaces, including event and support auditoriums;
Holding of the Blue Economy Rio Summit;
Brazil-Germany workshop on topics such as bioeconomy, ocean economy and energy;
Countries present: Brazil, Germany, United States, India, Sweden, Finland, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Argentina, Peru and Panama;
98% of exhibitors would participate in Green Rio again;
95% of exhibitors were satisfied overall;

Green Rio / Green Latin America Content
One of the main highlights of the event was the more than 170 speakers. In the bioeconomy auditorium, green investments with Luxembourg, Germany and Brazil. Research and industry brought together L’Oréal, Firjan and Senai. The CEAL (Latin American Business Council) panel featured ApexBrasil and international speakers moderated by Ingo Plöger. On the second day of the event, there was a Brazil-Germany Workshop. Next, the circular economy was discussed by industry, including AEDIN and Washington (USA); Biomes/Development included the Amazon Fund/BNDES, OECD, and Amazon initiatives.
On the first day of the blue auditorium, the opening was by SEAS. Águas do Rio, OECD, Sweden, among others, followed. On the 2nd day, an international panel featured the presence of the United States consul, as well as representatives from India, South Africa and the G20. The naval technology cluster panel was moderated by Emgepron and during BlueRio time, startups from the Brazil-Portugal blue economy.
Brazil-Germany Participation in Green Rio
The workshop was attended by Vice-Consul Joachim Schemel, representatives of BMEL (German Ministry of Agriculture), Brazilian ministries (MCTI and MDA), as well as companies (e.g. Porto do Açú) and institutions from both countries. In parallel Brazil-Germany meetings at Green Rio: GIZ, GOPA and Agrosuisse presented bioeconomy programs.

Other highlights at Green Rio 2024
• Meeting of the CONLESTE technical chamber, formed by 16 municipalities in the state of RJ, with the presence of secretaries and the launch of a bioeconomy project in the region;
• Business meetings in partnership with the event, Sebrae (business sessions on ESG, energy and startups); and the RJ Commercial Association (foreign trade);
• Signing by AEDIN, the Government of the State of RJ (SEDEICS, SEAS, SECC), the Washington State Department of Commerce and CSI (USA) of the Declaration of Principles of the International Industrial Symbiosis Alliance (IISA)
• Panels in parallel rooms also brought together IBAM (climate and municipalities), the blue carbon initiative, energy (Finland and FGV), decarbonization (RISE and FGV) and the ocean economy (SEBRAE SC);

Bioeconomy, technologies and circular economy at Expo
• Amazônia was present with Sebrae AM, through a group of 32 people, bringing
products from the Amazon bioeconomy; and the Amazônia 4.0 technology dome;
• Meiwa presented its experience with biodegradable and recyclable packaging. SENAI Innovation in Biosynthetics and Fibers exhibited new sustainable materials, in addition to natural fibers.
• Guarany with machinery and equipment for agriculture and fire prevention.
• RISE Association launched with investor Sai do Papel the first Deep Tech Lab in RJ, in addition to exhibiting startups with drones, bioinputs and water and soil treatment;
• CEASP (Lakes Region, RJ) presented FoodHub and its national private food supply center;
• UERJ Energias Renováveis with solar and wind energy systems and InovaUFRJ through its hydrogen off-road vehicle. SNASH with climate and edutech startups;
• Third sector initiatives (e.g. Including Petropolis and Reverse- Morro da Babilônia)

Blue bioeconomy and maritime technology at the Expo
• Companies present through Pequenos Negócios do Mar with Sebrae Rio;
• Rio de Janeiro Naval Technology Cluster;
• Algiculture at the SEAS-RJ and InovaUFRJ stands;
• Solar boat prototype, UERJ oceanography and waste collection boat (SEAS-RJ)
• BR Marinas with decarbonization projects;

Food security and tourism
On the 3rd day of the event (Saturday), Grupo Cataratas and AquaRio presented their investments, moderated by the Rio Vamos Vencer/Trem do Corcovado group. Panels discussed food security, agriculture (Banco do Brasil), school meals (partnership with Sweden), organics, and longevity with nutritionists (organized by CBAN).

More information about the date of Green Rio / Green Latin America 2025 and the 2nd Blue Economy Rio Summit coming soon!

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