08:00 / 08:45 – Registration
09:00 / 10:00 – Opening
Panel 1 – Global View of Fire – International Cooperation
10:00 / 10:30  •  Master Lecture
Integrated Governance of Fire Management in Natural and Cultural Landscapes: Global and Latin American Perspectives
– Prof. Johann Georg Goldammer (Global Fire Monitoring Center – GFMC – Germany)
10:30 / 11:00  •  Cooperation between Portugal (AGIF) and Brazil (IBAMA) – Understanding the reality of tropical and Mediterranean Fires
– Tiago Oliveira (AGIF)
– Flávia Leite (IBAMA/PREVFOGO)
Moderator – Pieter van Lierop (FAO Latin America and the Caribbean)
11:00 / 11:50  •  Support for Forest Fire Management in Latin America and the Caribbean
– Mr. Rolando Pardo Vergara (CONAF – Chile)
– Patricio Sanhueza (Organizer and Coordinator of the World Forest Fire Conferences on behalf of Latin American countries – Chile)
– Mariana Senra de Oliveira (IBAMA/PREVFOGO – Brasil)
– Guillermo Defossé (Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología de la provincia del Chubut)
11:50 / 12:20  •  Environmental Monitoring and Fire Management Center – South America Regional
– Prof. Marcos Giongo (UFT/CeMAF)
– Prof. Antônio Carlos Batista (UFPR/Fire Laboratory)
Moderator – Domingos Xavier Viegas (University of Coimbra)
12:20 / 13:10 – Panel 2 – Prevention and Combat Experiences in Various Biomes – The Brazilian Reality
• Fires – The threat to the Pantanal biome
– Coronel Paulo Barroso (MS/MT)
• Fires in National and State Parks
– João Morita (ICM-Bio – Brasília)
– Rodrigo Belo (IEF-MG – Belo Horizonte)
• Fires in Tropical Forests with a Focus on the Amazon Biome
– Ane Alencar (IPAM – Pará)

13:10 / 14:00 – Lunch

14:10 / 14:50 – Panel 3 – The Relevance of The Forest Sector in The Economy
• Panorama of the Private Sector in Brazil
– Ambassador José Carlos da Fonseca Jr. – Representing IBÁ – Brazilian Tree Industry and Brazilian Paper Packaging Association
• The European Vision – The Transformation of Knowledge into Value: A New Interface Model between Academia and the Private Sector
– Carlos Fonseca – Forest Wise – Portugal
14:50 / 15:30 – The Role of Companies in Preserving Native Forests and Fighting Fires
• Success Stories – The Contribution to Reducing Hotspots and Working with Local Communities
– Douglas Guedes de Oliveira (Suzano – Brasil)
– José Baptista (Eucatex – Brasil)
– Jozebio Gomes (Eldorado – MG)
Panel 4 – The Importance of The Supply Chain – Equipment, Inputs, Monitoring,
New Technologies and Fire Brigades Training
15:30 / 16:20  •  Industry:
– Suppressants and Redardants – Mark Siem (Perimeter, EUA) Online
– Fighting Equipme – Cândido Simões, Guarany Forest Fires Division Manager
– Implements and equipment – Humberto Eufrades (Impacto, Jau)
– Precision Monitoring – Osmar Bambini (umgrauemeio, Piracicaba)
Moderator – Paulo Cardoso (Mais Florestas)

16:20 / 17:20

• The Importance of Science Applied to the Forestry Sector
– Erich Gomes Schaitza (EMBRAPA Florestas) Online
– Jose Otavio Brito (Diretor Executivo do Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais – IPEF)

• Brigade Training
– Maria Luisa Alfaro (USAID – Costa Rica)
– Paulo José de Souza (DRMS – Brazil)
– Sérgio Delgado (Delace – Panamá)

17:20 / 18:30 – Closing Lecture
• The Intimate Relationship of Climate Change and Forest Fires
– Dra. Thelma Krug (OMM/IPCC – Brazil) Online

18:00 / 18:30 – CLOSING

Final words from the chairmen, authorities/main speakers – Conclusions



Field day
• Visit to Eucatex restricted to guests.
– One of the main reforestation companies considered a reference
Forest Fire Investigation Course
Limited Inscriptions

The forest fire investigation course will comprehensively address the main aspects of expertise related to cases of fire occurrence in vegetation, providing participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to identify the origin of the fire, and possible causes, in addition to seeking to understand the elements that influence their behavior.

Knowing the characteristics of forest fuels, burning indicators, the confusion zone and the expert’s procedure for inspecting the burned area will be some aspects covered during the course.

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